This is a license agreement between EDIMIT and you, the end-user. Please read this license agreement carefully before registering and installing this product. Registerring and installing this product is possible ONLY if you accept the following terms and conditions and this will be indicated by a click on the button "I AGREE".
- EDIMIT agrees to sell and you agree to buy a license to use this product (Package) including the software (Programs) and the contents on CD ROM(s),books,manuals under the terms of this agreement.
- You agree NOT to copy part or all of the Programs and contents of this Package for any purpose other than to run them from a single computer's hard disk.
- You agree NOT to run the Programs on or gain access to the CD ROM(s) from more than one machine at a time, or install them in a way that makes them available for running on or access from more than one machine at a time, i.e.use on a local area network or a multiuser computer with several terminals, unless a side agreement has been made with you in writing.
- You agree NOT to rent, lend, give, lease, sub-lease, or assign the package to others, or provide, disclose, or otherwise make available the Package to others, including copies.
- You agree NOT to create a competitive program or a program having a substantially similar features, or translate, decompile, disassemble the Programs as well as to alter, modify, adapt, recast or perform any derivative work using the Package or part of it.
EDIMIT shall be in no event liable for any loss of profit or any other commercial damage,including but not limited to special,incidental,consequental or other damages,resulting from or in any way connected with the use of this package or parts of it.